Be sure to order yours (and take care of your gift list early) .
Images for 2025 are posted below and the price is the same as last year:
$20 each or buy 5 and get one free--6 altogether!
2025 is the 15th year to offer a beautiful calendar sharing 12 of my paintings--181 so far. This is the most reasonable way to enjoy my art work--every day!
The calendar is spiral-bound and has a punched hole for hanging on the wall and when open measures 17" vertically x 11" horizontally. Most US holidays are included. There is a range of subjects: landscapes, florals and more--most from my travels.
Save postage cost and pick up directly from me. My calendar is $20 (plus shipping. I'll sign each one if requested). Order 5 or more and get the 6th one FREE. Get birthday/holiday shopping out of the way easy and early! The images are posted below--some are from my annual art workshop at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. Others reflect travels. Be sure to check each year, or better yet, get on my email notification list!
The gallery below shows the images. If you really like a particular image, you can buy the original or save a bit and order a canvas print--I charge $150 over my cost plus shipping. The canvas prints don't require framing or matting. Total cost is generally $160-$280 depending on the size of 16 x 20 upwards. Of course, if you want the original, some images are still available--ask for pricing. I don't take credit cards or pay pal but I do accept checks!. Contact me directly for purchases:
Here is brief description of the images this year...most of which reflect my recent travels. All are painted primarily with watercolor.
Travelling is a passion! Each year when I organize my Art Adventure Abroad, we experience the culture, foods and sights of other countries and peoples. We learn how to create a travel journal to hold some of, but never all, the memories. If you haven’t travelled with me, check out my website!
Below are some of the wonderful places that inspired me to paint: a bike with bananas in Asia, a tree at the edge of the landing strip in Kenya, a boat in a Vietnam harbor, baskets of Colonial Williamsburg and my annual workshop in New Mexico at Ghost Ranch!
This calendar includes several paintings showing the beauty of nature—even something as ordinary as onions! Every painting of this year’s calendar found a place on the wall of exhibits and juried regional and international shows (some with awards). The “Trails of Gold Dust” (below) earned my Signature Status with the SouthWest Artists, Inc. in Arkansas.
The art this year is done in many medias and many of these works have been seen in juried exhibitions. All but four are watercolor paintings. "Guardian of the Pedernal" with the iconic Pedernal in the distance is where Georgia O'Keefe had her ashes spread upon her death. She believed God told her if she painted it enough, the Pedernal would be hers. This scene shows her pinon-fenced home on the Ghost Ranch property. "Braga, Portugal" is the result of my Annual Art Adventure Abroad. In Portugal these azulego tiles were found in the Palacia des Biscainhas. "Sunset Mesa, NM" is a combination of oil paint and cold wax. Begun as a demo for an art association, "Iron Gates of Abiquiu Inn, NM" is a watercolor done on masonite with a clay surface. The "Inked Hollyhocks" is created using water soluable markers and water. "Wrapped Strawberries" is a watercolor but the paper has been stretched just as canvas is for oil paintings. It has been seen in several exhibitions. A new material, Evalon, feels like fine felt. It was used on "Hatched Prickly Pears" using oil pastels. "Cholla Cactus, Ghost Ranch" was also done as a demo for my annual art workshop/retreat at Ghost Ranch. Painting with vibrant colors has become my trademark. The September image is a joyous collection of plants which includes the "Blue Sunflower." The "New Mexico Vista" was an experiment using an arched band of color beneath the composition. It is rather large and was painted during my workshop/retreat. A collage, the "Two-Inch Orbit" has several materials adhered to the substrate. Finally, the December image "Poinsettia" is a large watercolor piece done on a smooth hot press sheet of paper.
Here is a little a bit about the art: "Henri's Yellow Tulips" was awarded 2nd place in the prestigious Texas and Neighbors Juried Exhibition and 2nd in the Visual Arts Society of Texas Membership Exhibition. "Porto, Portugal" is from my travel journal--a result of my Annual Art Adventures Abroad when I took a group to Portugal. "Ghost Ranch Sunset" is painted on a new material called Evalon paintable fabric. "Dancer Folklorico, Mexico" is the result of a trip to Puerto Vallerta while "Dressed in Her Best, Jordan" is from a visit to Petra, Jordan and won Honorable Mention in the 47th Alaska Watercolor Society Juried Exhibition. The "Totem Talisman" is the only canvas painting this year and comes from travels to Vancouver, Canada. It was included in the Grand Prairie Art Council's Annual Juried Exhibition. "Sedona Barn" was painted outside on an easel as part of a public art project. "Windowsill Lavender" is watercolor painted on an ampersand cradled support which is a finely processed clay layer on wood. "Agave Grid" is part of my continuing fascination of the agave plant. "Airplane Plant" won 2nd place Art of the Month with Society of Watercolor Artists. There are two batik pieces done on paper. Batik is a resist process of wax on fabric using dyes, but I put a twist on the ancient method by using paints on paper--painting quickly with acrylics, removing the paint before it dries on the paper and adding further layers of color/paint. Both "Prickly Pear Batik" and "Cottonwood Colors" use this process. Both are mixed media pieces using watercolor, acrylics, ink, neon colored pencils and crayon.
Just a bit about the images included in the 2021 Calendar of Original Artwork by Darla Bostick...
"Blue's Nap..." is our little corgy/blue healer mix. She rules the house (and our hearts). Two of the images are from international travels with "Pink Peonies..." from China and the "Masks of Kenya". I am partial to the Southwest regon of the US and have taught many workshop/retreats in the area. The calendar includes 3 works from AZ and NM. Each year I offer two workshop/retreats at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. The "Prickly Pear Patterns" includes patterns from the native pottery of this area. It now appears in San Marcos, TX on a traffic signal box. From a worshop/retreat I presented in Arizona comes "Sedona Sunset" and "Turquoise Tipped Agave" both of which have been in several juried art exhibitions. I love to mix medias and so "Wisdom, Acceptance, Peace" and "Live Today" are not only words of guidance during the pandemic, they involve many materials.. The "Not Your Ordinary Cabbage" has won the highest honor of all these with a first place award in the 54th Regional Juried Richardson Civic Art Society and the Visual Arts Society of Texas juried exhibition. Finally, I need to mention "Sweet Little Butterflies" as it is a collaborative effort with two of my grandchildren, aged 3 and 1 at the time. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I did creating them!
Here is some history on these images. The first one, "Bostick Produce" is an adaptation of an old truck I saw along the west Texas highway. Two of these works are collages. "Come Along" is ink and dried collage pour pieces and "Frayed on the Edges" is several media and printed close to life size. The "Four Horses Mandala" is from an Indian drum with sculptures and painted patterns that I saw in Branson, MO when I took my little art retreat group to the Top of the Rock Museum--a must if ever in the area. "Koi Bubbles" is an older piece done before my calendars were produced using acrylic and watercolor. On our trip to Burma I saw these 3 young men and painted "Novice Monks of Myanmar." "Olves Above" and "Rosemary, Parsley and...Oops!" all were done with my watercolor class here in Denton, TX. Also a result of travels, "Spirit of Chichen Itza" is painted from a photo I took while visiting the temple in Mexico and has won 2 awards. (Postnote: it was accepted to the 2021 Texas Watercolor Society and earned me my Signature Status! The remaining paintings were created from my imagination using watercolors, inks, oil pastels, name it!
"Afternoon in Cambodia" was inspired by 3 photographs taken in Cambodia while traveling down the Mekong River. I slipped in an early painting, "Backyard Beauties" since it was done before I produced calendars. The "Blue Glow Hollyhocks" was painted while at Ghost Ranch for my annual workshop/retreat and has seen some time on gallery walls. "Crimson Edges" was inspired by a plant at the Rock of Gibraltar during my first Art Adventure Abroad I presented in Spain in 2015. "Mom's Tea Party" was just that as my friends and I traveled to my mother's home to serve her and her friends a formal tea on her patio. The "Night Blooms, Nairobi, Kenya" was inspired by a photo I took while visiting our daughter living there. It is my most celebrated painting having won many awards in different juried art exhibitions (including a first place award). This watercolor's acceptance to the Southwestern Watercolor Society earned me my signature status with the organization. The last 2 are a bit unusual as the "Patchwork Pumpkins" required two paintings to be sliced and woven together. "Serenity" is a collaged fabric landscape piece.
Just a few notes on these works: "Blue Kale" and "Ghost Ranch Skull" are actually sculpted on a flat surface then painted with watercolors and inks. "Blue Kale" was seen in a gallery in Santa Monica, CA and the "Texas Longhorn Christmas" subject lives near our home in Texas. "Unraveled" made a trip to a juried international show in Alexandria, LA. Some of the other works have been in exhibits near home.
Did you know "Paper Callas" sold when it was first exhibited? "Ladies of Lamu, Kenya" was from a photo I took on Lamu Island and has won "Art of the Month with the Society of Watercolor Artists in Fort Worth and was accepted to the Richardson Civic Art Society Membership Show. It is my favorite painting thus far. Most of these paintings have seen gallery showings.
The image, "Sweet Tooth" recently won a "People's Choice Award" in a juried exhibition. It has shown in several juried exhibitions including a visit to MN. "Sunflower Celebration" won Artist of the Year for the Society of Watercolor Artists. The young girl below is my daughter when she was 4 years old. Six others in this calendar have been in juried exhibitions and one was published in an international publication (the last one: "Unconditional Love"). "Unconditional Love" began a long-time love affair with painting dogs. In fact, I have had solo shows that feature only my dogs in "It's a Dog's Life."
Just a bit about some of these paintings...each of them has been seen in a gallery and several have won prizes. Most are from my travels: "Golden Skies of Leadville" is from Colorado. While in Hawaii I took photos to use as reference for "Aloha Agave" and "Oahu Blooms" (which is a prizewinner). "Afternoon in Pradise" was a photo I took while in St Lucia and "Bananas for Sale" was a photo taken of a woman I saw in Columbia. "Beijing Guardian" was from a trip to see our daughter in China while "Shaded Hostas" (also an award winning painting) was from a workshop/retreat I presented in Branson, MO. "Beneath the Elephant Ears" is by far the most awarded of this group and has been in International juried shows--the farthest away being Rhode Island. I found the inspiration at the Dallas Arboretum. You never know where you will find something to trigger your creativity!
Here are a few notes about the imges for 2014. "Lined Hibiscus" was painted pool-side while I was in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I wasn't that thrilled with it until I added patterns in Inida ink. It appeared in "Zentangle 9" by Suzanne Mc-Neill Sparks. The Southwest is always an inspiration to me...that's why I teach my annual workshop/retreat at Ghost Ranch, NM. The "Prickly Pear Sunset" was painted from my imagination, but it looks real, doesn't it? It was executed in inks on vellum. "Warriors of Xian" is one of the hardest paintings I have worked on. I visited the Xian site in China and was so impressed with the lifesize figures (each one an individual portrait) and horses. I wanted to restore them their life. Where the warrior and horse images combine, there is vivid color and the impact of war. Where they do not overlap (the warrior's arm and hair) the warrior is the stiff lifeless stone from which he was carved. Warriors was accepted to the Watercolor Society of Houston International Juried Exhbition. "Golden Agave" has appeared in MN as well as AZ in juried international shows. Unlike the others, "Beneath the Banyan" is from a tree I saw in Honolulu and is painted on a large canvas (3' x 4') in acrylic.
"Rocks and Roots" is a large 3' x 4' canvas. I had enjoyed painting a square format from the same reference and wanted to try it in a horizontal format. "Agave III" was painted as a demo for the Sherman Art Association. The canvas prints have been very popular. Have you heard of yupo? It is a synthetic material that is non-porous and was originally produced for industrial use, but then artists began using it and it is very popular. The entire 2nd row below is a series of 3 using watercolors and acrylics. A bit different was a claybord surface (finely ground clay adhered to masonite" used for "Golden Glow Aspen." Winning prize or two is "Industrial 236." I'm often asked what the 236 means...sorry to say, it really doesn't have a significance I just liked the shapes of those numbers together! "Afternoon in Mazatlan"is a scene you can find along the waterfront and the "Puerta Vallarta Palms" was done poolside at a resort using ink and watercolor. "Tangerine Prickly Pear" and "Southwest Sunset" are both fictional's kinda fun to make up your own space!
There are a lot of stories behind the paintings presented in 2012. The first one, "Autumn Blooms" is from a photo I took at the Dallas Arboretum. The paintng was donated for auction at the Arboretum. Since we go to Mexico at least once a year, "El Patio" was a view through a gate I noticed. "Estes Park Snowfall" was exactly that. I spent the morning driving through Rocky Mountain National Part and noticed where the snow had been piled up on one side of the road. Inspired at Ghost Ranch, NM there are 3 paintings directly from my workshop: "Hollyhocks of Tia Amarillo" (from a small town north of Abiquiu), "Rainbow Agave" and "Rainbow Cactus." The agave sold while at the workshop and "The Prophet" has seen a few art shows since he was painted/sculpted on claybord (and later sold). "Makuros, Botswana" is from a wonderful outing taken in hollowed trees, makuros. Ours had a loose knot-hole and I was pretty wet by the time we reached our island in the Okovango Delta. The women were like gondoliers as they poled us through the shallow waters. "Need a Ride, Cairo" is a pic of the camels we rode to the pyramids. Of course, they were just a drab brown! The "Tangled Tulip" was drawn in ink while I listened to a waterwise lecture for Master Gardeners. I was fairly far from the stage and drew in my lap. At the end of the lecture the people behind me all asked if it was done! I explained the next step would be the painting. This is now the image on a traffic signal box in Grand Prairie, TX.
When I taught a workshop in AZ I snagged a photo of this curly agave at Montezuma's Castle and painted it in complementary colors. Several of these are painted on yupo: "Artichockes in Bloom," "Exclamation Point," "Three Moons" and "Georgia's Window, Ghost Ranch." Several awards were the result and the window went to an international juried show. Some of my Ghost Ranch paintings this year were also "Red Junipers, Ghost Ranch" and "Ghost Ranch Skull" which was sculpted and painted on canvas. "Sweet Dreams" is one of my all-time favorite paintings. It began as a demo with the Gainesville Association of Visual Arts. This little stray dog was cuddled against the curb in Santa Marta, Columbia and I knew the instant I took the photo that it would be painted when I returned home. It has won some awards as has "Tatoo Rose."