Darla's installations have supported and been included in the public art works of Fort Worth, Grand Prairie, Denton, Lewisville, San Marcos, Southlake and Frisco in Texas and in Washington, D.C. DENTON, TX.                                        Her mural of Denton was selected by Wal-Mart for their public art project to install murals in their stores.  "Vibe of Denton, Texas" was chosen for the Loop 288 Super Wal Mart location, where it is now installed.                                       The City of Grand Prairie Public Art Program has three vinyl wrapped traffic signal boxes showing images of Darla's watercolor paintings. In 2019 "Tangled Tulips" watercolor was installed at the intersection of Carrier Parkway at Hill St. In 2018 "Red Dragons" was selected for the intersection of Carrier Parkway and Arkansas Street and in 2022 "Hearts Abound" was installed at Westchester and S Carrier Pkwy.                                                                                      In herhometown of Denton, TX The installation of "The Trinity",  a public art sculpture outside the Patterson-Appleton Art Center in Denton at Hickory and Bell Ave at the main entrance is a collaboration of many artists. It consists of turned wood, lettering, poetry, collage, fused and stained glass.

Denton, Texas is known for its arts with plenty of music, drama, dance. This design was chosen by Wal Mart to appear on the walls inside their location on Loop 288 near the intersection with Spencer Road, Denton. Remodeling in 2024 replaced this image.






Solo Artist Pop Up, Wayne Ferguson Plaza, Lewisville, TX

May 2021

June 2022

May 2023

May 2024




City of Frisco, ArtScape

Banners to celebrate the Rail District


My "1925 Packard"

In the parking lot of the Patterson Appleton Art Center in Denton, TX "The Trinity" sculpture involves wood turning, painting, calligraphy, 3-D chimes and stained glass. I was part of the project by painting the "beads" and finials designed by the wood turners. 

Keller, Texas sponsored me at the Novemner 2021 Keller Art Walk. I was one of the plein air artists stationed among the artist vendors.I demonstrated using India ink with watercolor.

"Ebb and Flow" was chosen by the City of Frisco as their "Art in the Atrium" program between September 2018 and March 2019 in the George A Purefoy Municipal Center. This was created as a multiple panel piece with each being a separate 20"  20" image. The "Totem Talisman", an acrylic on canvas was chosen to hang April-Sept 2022. 

City of Grand Prairie Signal Box, intersection of Carrier Parkway and Arkansas Street

City of Grand Prairie Signal Box, #2, intersection of Carrier Parkway and Hill Street

Grand Prairie, TX Traffic Signal Box at S Carrier Parkway and Westchaster

San Marcos, TX Traffic Signal Boxes along Hopkins Street near City Hall and the San Marcos Public Library: Hopkins and Charles Austin, Hopkins and no name, Hopkins and Riverside.

  • The intersection of Hopkins and Charles Austin Drive
  • Near the San Marcos Public Library entrance
  • At the pedestrian signal near Riverside Drive

Lewisville Grand Performance Hall Lobby has a collective effort by 8 artists includes Darla's canvas of Texas Wildflowers.

Participation in "One Million Bones" in Washington, D.C.involved creating a skull and donating it for this installation to bring awareness to current world wide genocide. 

For the past three years we have been collecting 1,000,000 handcrafted bones for a three-day installation event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., June 8-10, 2013. The installation will exist as a collaborative site of conscience to honor victims and survivors, and will also serve as a visual petition against ongoing conflicts and a resounding call for much need and long overdue action.”

My photograph was used as a reference material for Nori Sato's mosaic columns of the Chism Trail Tollway in Fort Worth, TX exemplifying the natural wildlife of the Trinity River making it part of a beautiful public art thoroughfare. 

The Perennial Garden Society of Southlake featured Darla at one of the 2019 Garden Tour gardens to paint plein aire as vistors came to the garden of the Kempkers.


October 2023 the Grand Performance Hall, Lewisville, hosted a Collabortive Public Art project. I participated.