Darla is a Denton, TX resident with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Texas Tech University. She has been involved in the arts since that time as an art educator in IA, AZ, NM, MO, KS and TX. In her personal work she finds the greatest challenge and satisfaction in watercolors and photography. Love of travel is evidenced primarily in her photographic images which later inspire paintings in watercolor or mixed media. Since painting on site is not always convenient when traveling, Darla uses her camera as a sketchbook to capture the colors of a region, its architecture, unique landscapes and the people’s daily lives. She has traveled to 85+ countries. This love of travel initiated her annual Art Adventures Abroad where she takes very small groups with her to learn how to record images through photography, sketches and painting as they create a fun travel journal. She has twice served as President of the Society of Watercolor Artists in Fort Worth 2010-2014 and 2020-2022 and has earned signature status in several art associations nationally.



Darla regularly participates in solo exhibits for watercolor, mixed media and photography throughout the North Texas area and her art work has appeared in several publications, web pages and television. She has been published in “Art Educator”, "Zentangle 9", "Best of America Watercolor Artists & Artisans, Vol. I", Art Folio 2020,A Curated Collection of the World’s Most Exciting Artists, Vol 1, on the covers of “Denton Connection” and “Denton Scramble” magazines and work has been chosen numerous times for calendars by Visual Arts Society of Texas and Irving Art Association. Each year she publishes a calendar of her own that shares her paintings. Her major emphasis is color, line and texture. Her work currently hangs in private collections worldwide. Darla's work has been included in juried national and international exhibitions in TX, CA, LA, NM, OK, AR, KS, NC, AZ, MN, RI, NC, FL, MS, PA, AK  and Canada with some awards along the way! 


Darla's photography is a reflection of her world travels. Her “First Impressions of China” photo exhibit traveled widely throughout the North Texas area and garnered several awards with images featured in the “The Dallas Morning News” travel section as well as “Life Images” magazine. “Images of the Emerald Isle” followed and was featured in the Focus Gallery at Irving Art Center as part of their Celtic Christmas Celebration. She has had numerous solo photographic exhibits in the North Texas areaMany of Darla’s photographs have won awards in juried competitions across the state and are part of private collections.


Darla is active as a painter, photographer and instructor for several art associations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Any given month her art work is in public view and has been shown at museums, galleries, theatres, banks, restaurants, hospitals, a television station, a garden nursery gallery, meditation centers, coffee houses, a courthouse, civic governmental building and even a car dealership. Recognized as a painter/educator, she has also judged art venues.

In 2008 Darla began what has become an annual week-long workshop/retreat at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM using un-traditional techniques in watercolor. This fall workshop/retreat combines photography, watercolor and mixed medias. It has attracted artists in the US from coast to coast,Canada, Scotland and England. During 2018-2022 a second week was added in June as a multi-media week-long workshop. In addition to workshops in Texas and New Mexico, Darla has taught workshops in Arizona, Missouri and Kansas.

In 2015 she began her Art Adventures Abroad with a 2-week program in Spain...one week in a villa on the coast and one week in Barcelona. In 2016 her group recorded life in Portugal, 2017 in Ireland, 2018 to Denmark and Germany, 2019 to France and again in 2022 and 2024. The pandemic cancelled travel plans but resumed in 2023 to Italy. Belgium and Holland will see us in 2025. Contact Darla to be placed on the email list for future trip details or retreat/workshops. 


Darla has been involved in the public art works of Fort Worth, Grand Prairie, Lewisville, Southlake, Frisco, Denton and San Marcos in Texas and Washington, D.C. Projects, photos and descriptons can be found under the Public Art Projects tab above.



  • Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST), Denton, TX: since 2004
  • Visual Arts League (VAL), Lewisville, TX: since 2004
  • Irving Arts Association (IAA), Irving, TX: 2006-2012 and 2021/22
  • Visual Arts Coalition of Dallas (VACD), TX: 2005-2019
  • Texas Visual Arts Association (TVAA), Plano, TX: 2007-2008; since 2012**
  • Society of Watercolor Artists (SWA), Fort Worth, TX: since 2008  (signature 2014)**
  • Acadiana Arts (AcA), Lafayette, LA: 2009
  • Southwestern Watercolor Society, TX (SWS): 2009-signature 2019**
  • American Watercolor Society (AWS): 2011-2014
  • Texas Watercolor Society of Artists (TWSA): 2010-2012,2019-signature 2021**
  • CLICKS (a North Texas Area Photography Organization): 2011, 2012
  • San Diego Watercolor Association: 2011-2013
  • Transparent Watercolor Society of America: 2011, 2013
  • Oklahoma Arts Guild: 2013-2015
  • Richardson Civic Art Society (RCAS), Richardson, TX: since 2013
  • Watercolor Association of Houston (Wa-SH), Houston, TX: 2014-2020
  • Red River Watercolor Society, MN,  2015
  • Louisiana Watercolor Society (LWS) 2015-2021
  • Visual Arts Guild of Frisco (VAGF), Frisco, TX; 2017-2020
  • SouthWest Artists, Inc, AR; 2017-2019 (signature 2019)**
  • Botanical Art Collective of North Central Texas (BAC) charter member 2018
  • Visual Arts League of Allen (VALA), Allen TX: 2020-2022
  • Pennyslvania Watercolor Society: since 2020
  • ** Signature Status earned in Society of Watercolor Artists, Southwestern Watercolor Society, Texas Visual Arts Association, SouthWest Artists,Inc, and Texas Watercolor Society




 “Art is Life! It reflects our emotions and experiences.


Painting and photography allow me to show how I see the world.”






"Time 2025: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"


"Time 2024: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"


"Making an Art Journal...As You Travel   How-to Ideas by Darla Bostick" Written and Published by Darla--only available as a gift to artists attending the annual Art Adventure Abroad

June-July: VAL Retrospective Juried Membership, 2 pieces accepted

June-July: Greater Lewisville Theatre on Main Street for “If/Then” production, lobby art work

July: Thrive Fitness Center, Lewisville

July-August: Richardson Civic Art Society Show at Building 2600, Central Expressway

Aug-Sept:VAST 34th Juried Membership Exhibition

Sept-Oct: Chaos and Order Show, Lewisville Grand Performance Hall, 3 works included

Sept-Feb 1924: ArtScape City of Frisco, my "1925 Packard" chosen as a banner for the Rail District

Oct-Nov: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, Univ. of North Texas Health Science Center, Atrium Gallery "Wrinkled in Time" juror Tim Oliver



"Time 2022: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"


"Time 2021: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"


"Time 2020: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"

"Night Blooms, Nairobi, Kenya" and "Beneath the Banyan" are included in the inaugural edition of the hardbound  "ARTFoio, Vol. 1" by Douglas King, printed by Glitterati Editions

"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections XII"


"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections XI" (misprinted as it was actually the 9th Collections Publication, but the 11th event anniversary.

Included in a you tube vieo of Botanical Research Institute of Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xfDUutA3x8&feature=youtu.be


Visual Arts Society of Texas Juried Art Calendar ("Berries and Blooms")

"Time 2018: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"

Included in a you tube video for Botanical Research Institute of Texas

"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections VIII"


"Xian Warriors, China", a watercolor, is included in the 2017 Cheap Joe's Art Stuff 35th Anniversary Catalog

"Time 2017: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"

"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections VII"


"Time 2016: A Calendar of Original Art by Darla Bostick"

VAST Juried Art Calendar ("Agave Shadows")

"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections VI"


VAST Juried Art Calendar ("Agave III")

VAL Juried Art Calendar

"Time 2015: A Calendar of Original Art Work by Darla Bostick"

"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections V"


"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections IV"

"Time 2014: A Calendar by Darla Bostick" published/available online by www.lulu.com

Featured artist in Suzanne McNeill's "Zentangle 9" book


"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections III"

"Best of Worldwide Artists, Volume I" by Kennedy Publishing, 2 page spread includes 3 watercolor paintings

"Time 2013: A Calendar by Darla Bostick" published/availbale online by www.lulu.com


Summer Issue National Watercolor Society Newsletter, Article and image featured with traveling NWS Show 

June: Featured Artist, Judson's Outdoor Art Outfitters, website article

"Time 2012: A Calendar by Darla Bostick" published/available online by www.lulu.com

"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections II"


"Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibit of Art and Poetry, Collections I"

IAA 3rd Annual Calendar, “Wagon Wheel, Ghost Ranch”

“Time 2011: A Calendar by Darla Bostick” published/available online

VAST 2011 Calendar


VAST 6th Annual Calendar, “Sticks and Stones” chosen by juror Laurie Weller


IAA 1st Annual Calendar, “Peonies in Pink, Lintao, China”

VAST 5th Annual Calendar, “Lemons”


“Life Images” Magazine, Vol 1, Issue 2, Somerset Printing, April 2008; “The Blessing” Photograph

Denton County Master Gardeners “Walk Through the Gardens Tour” publication materials, cover of brochure & posters 2005-2008

Fall, Irving Community Television, feature on “First Impressions of China” station exhibit


"Best of America Watercolor Artists & Artisans, Vol. I" by Kennedy Publishing, 2007; Featured piece "Agave", pg 7

“Denton Connection” May issue 2007 (front page, inside spread)—Master Gardeners Walk Through the Gardens Tour” photos

May, Irving Community Television arts program, “Agave”

“Denton Record Chronicle” 10 May 2007; photos for Master Gardeners Tour

VAST 2007 Calendar: June, “Agave”

“Dallas Morning News” Life/Travel section front page, 9 Apr 2006, “Serenity, Beijing, China”



        “Denton Scramble” April 2006 issue cover; “Backyard Beauties”

        “Art Educator” School Arts, Vol. 81, N7 pgs 21-23, Mar 1982

        VAST 2006 Calendar


Group photos below are from some of the workshops taught at Ghost Ranch in Santa Fe and Abiquiu, NM; Branson, MO; Sedona, AZ; Topeka, KS. 

  • Jan 2024: art demo of travel journals, watercolor at the Paris Art Study Club, Paris, TX
  • Feb 2024: art demo for Visual Arts of Lewisville, TX using ampersand panels for mixed media panels
  • Feb 2024: demo artist at Visual Arts Society of Texas, Denton using watercolor and ink.
  • Sept 2024: 10-day Art Adventure Abroad to France
  • October/November 2024: Darla's 19th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Rereat UN-Traditional watercolor workshop/retreat, Abiquiu, NM
  • October/November 2023: Darla's 18th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat UN-traditional watercolor, Abiquiu, NM
  • May 2023: 10-day Art Adventure Abroad to Italy
  • March 2023: Presentation of live/zoom art demo for the Richardson Civic Art Society "Ink with Watercolor..on the go!"
  • October 2022: 10-day Art Adventure Abroad to France
  • Sept 2022: Darla's 17th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat UN-traditional watercolor, Abiquiu, NM
  • June 2022: Darla's 16th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat, Abiquiu, NM, Mixed Medias
  • March 2022: Presentation of  zoom program for membership of Central TX Art Asso "How I Create, Share and Organize my Work"
  • Sept/Oct 2021: Darla's 15th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat UN-traditional Watercolor 
  • Aug 2021: Speaker/Demo Artist for Pecan Plantation Art Asso
  • May 2021: Presentation of a zoom program for Society of Watercolor Artists
  • 2020-21 saw the cancellation of 3 Ghost Ranch Workshop/ Retreats, demos,art walk, exhibitions and workshops...including the Annual Art Adventures Abroad to Italy and France due to the pandemic.
  • October 2019: Took a group to Southern France for 10 days Art Adventure Abroad
  • October 2019: Darla's 14th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat (UN-traditional watercolor)
  • June 2019: Darla's 13th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat (2nd Multi-media)
  • April 2019: 5th Branson, MO art retreat
  • Sept/Oct 2018: Darla's 12th Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat (UN-traditional watercolor)
  • June/July 2018: Darla's Art Adventure Abroad to Copenhagen, Denmark and Hamburg and Berlin, Germany
  • June 2018: Darla's 11th Workshop/Retreat at Ghost Ranch, NM (1st Multi-Media)
  • April 2018: Watercolor and Line Workshop with Topeka Art Guild, KS
  • February 2018: Speaker/Demo Artist to Grand Prairie Art Council
  • February 2018: Speaker/Demo Artist to Society of Watercolor Artists in Fort Worth
  • January 2018: 4th Branson Art Retreat, MO
  • October 2017: Darla's 10th Ghost Ranch Art Workshop/Retreat
  • May 2017: Took a group to Ireland for 10 days for Art Adventure Abroad
  • September/October 2016: Darla's 9th Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • May 2016: Speaker/Demo Artist to Johnson County Art Association, Cleburne, TX
  • May 2016: Took a group for 2 weeks to Portugal for Darla's Art Adventure Abroad
  • April 2015: 2nd Annual Greater Denton Arts Council "Arts All Night" demo for cold wax
  • October 2015: Darla's 8th Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • September 2015: 3rd Branson Art Retreat, MO
  • August 2015: Presented workship in Decatur, TX for the Wise County Art Associaiton
  • May 2015: Led a group to Spain for 2 weeks for Art Adventure Abroad
  • November 2014: Speaker/Demo Artist at Fine Arts Club of Paris, TX
  • October 2014: 2nd Branson Art Retreat, MO
  • October 2014: Speaker/Demo Artist at Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth, TX
  • October 2014: Darla's 7th Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  •  2014: Demonstrator at the March McKinney Art Club Meeting
  • 2014: Judge at Mid-Cities Fine Arts Annual Open Art Show, Haltom City
  • Feb 2013-present: Teaching weekly watercolor classes at Hobby Lobby, Denton, TX
  • October 2013: Speaker/Demo artist at Mid-Cities Fine Arts, Hurst, TX
  • October 2013: Darla's 6th Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • October 2013: Branson, MO Art Retreat
  • Sept/Oct 2012: Darla's 5th Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • July 2012: Workshop in Denton, TX at Cultural Arts Center
  • February 2012: Speaker/Demo artist at Sherman Art Guild, Sherman, TX
  • October 2011: Speaker/Demo artist at Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth, TX
  • Aug/Sept 2011: Darla’s 4th Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • Fall 2010: Speaker/Demo artist at Weatherford Art Association, Weatherford, TX
  • October 2010: Speaker/Demo artist at Gainesville Art Association, Gainesville, TX
  • Aug/Sept 2010: Darla’s 3rd Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • April 2010: Darla’s Sedona, AZ Art Workshop/Retreat
  • September 2009: Darla’s 2nd Annual Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM Art Workshop /Retreat
  • 2009 a series of 5 mosaic workshops creating cylinders for the garden
  • October 2008: Darla’s 1st Ghost Ranch, Santa Fe, NM Art Workshop/Retreat
  • 1995-2001 “Cultural Arts” Texas PTA Public School Arts, Denton TX
  • 1991-94 “Talking Canvas” Coordinator, Des Moines Public School Arts, Des Moines, IA
  • 1976-present: Private art instruction—various medias and age levels, Houston, Katy, Denton in TX & Des Moines, IA
  • 1978-88 owner/teacher stained glass
  • 1975-81 Spring Branch ISD, Houston public school art teacher, grades 6-8



  • Steven Rodriguez, March 2023
  • Stephen Zhang, July 2022, Portraits
  • Laurin McCracken, April 2022, Realism in Watercolor
  • Adam Lancaster, Jan 2022, Portraits in Charcoal
  • TX Lettering Arts Council, October 2021, Lettering for Holiday Projects
  • Altered Books workshop at White Rock United Methodist, Dallas
  • Suzanne McNeill, July 2021, Constructing Your Own Leather-bound Journal
  • Murthey Mantha, April 2019, Elements of Design and Composition
  • Tony Couch, February 2019, Watercolor Landscapes
  • Pooran Lashini, September 2018, Middle Eastern Geometric Patterns and Art
  • Mary Crradine, September 2018, Photo Transfer Workshop
  • Sherry Searcy, March 2018, Fabric Collage and April 2018 Silk Dyeing
  • Lynn Buchanan, March 2018, Arylic Abstract
  • Judi Betts, Nov 2017, Watercolor
  • Jacquelin Sorenson, May 2017, Resin
  • Michael Holter, Denton, April 2017, Watercolor Landscape
  • Janet Rogers, Denton, March 2016, Watercolor Portraits
  • Mexico's Institute for the Advancement of the Arts Day of the Dead Workshop in conjunction with University of North Texas, November 2015
  • Sharon Giles, Irving, July 2014, Gelli Plate Printmaking
  • Noopur Agarwal, Irving, July 2014, Painting Trees
  • Susan Thillen, Denton, August 2013, Zentangle
  • Fealing Lin, 2013, portraits
  • Laurie Henry, Denton, July 2013, Yupo
  • Joyce Hicks, Fort Worth, April 2013, Watercolor
  • Aaron Tate, glass-blowing instruction, January 2013, January 2017
  • Michael Mentler, Carrollton, TX, Jan-March 2013 Society of Figurative Artists, Life Drawing Studies
  • Stephen Quiller, Dallas, February 2012, Watercolor & Acrylics
  • Ric Dentinger, Fort Worth, June 2011, Watercolor
  • Ratindra Das, Dallas, February 2011, Watercolor
  • Sandy Maudlin, Dallas, August 2010, Yupo
  • Sterling Edwards, Dallas, July 2010, Watercolor
  • Tony Saladino, Irving, April 2010, Abstract Acrylic
  • Randall M Hasson, Irving, April 2009, “Text Texture: A Layered Journal Book”workshop
  • Ken Hosmer, Denton, Sept 2008, Watercolor workshop
  • Nicholas Simmons, Dallas, June 2008, Watermedia workshop
  • Tony Couch, 2007
  • Arnold Lowrey, Dallas, Sept 2007, Watercolor workshop
  • Soon Y Warren, Dallas, June 2007 “Watercolor: Art Glass & Beyond” workshop
  • Carol Carter, Denton March 2006 & June 2010, Watercolor workshop
  • June Impson, Denton 2003, Watercolor classes
  • Jo Williams, Denton 1996 UNT Adult minicourses, 2001-2002, Watercolor classes



Jan: "Pink Hollyhocks" , 1st place at Visual Arts Society of Texas Art of the Month

Jan-Feb: Visual Arts of Texas 175-Mile Juried Exhibition, Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, juror James Humphrey. My textile design round weaving, "Feather Dance, Ghost Ranch" won 2nd place. Another piece, "Green with Envy" was also accepted. 

Feb-April: "Camelia, Giverney Garden, France" Honorable Mention, Richardson Civic Art Society Spring Show at the ArtReach Gallery, Lovers Lane United Methodist Church in Dallas. Two other works were accepted: "Side Street, Patmos, Greece" and "Stained Glass Blooms"

June: "Flowers Flipped", 2nd place Art of the Month, Visual Arts of Lewisville

October: "Across the Lines", 1st place Art of the Month, Visual Arts of Lewisville


May: "Candy Tuft Blooms, Ghost Ranch" won 2nd place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists

Sept/Oct:"Best Bus Buddies, Birmingham, England", 1st place watercolor, Richardson Civic Art Asso 58th Annual Juried Membership Exhibition, Eisemann Performance Hall


January-February: "Henri's Yellow Tulips", 2nd place, Visual Arts Society of Texas, 175-Mile Exhibition, Juror Soon Warren, Gough Gallery, Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, Denton

March: "Beijing Guardian", watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists

March: Visual Arts League, Allen, TX had me as the "Spotlight Artist of the Month"

May: "Fresh Paint for the Buddha Stupha,Boudhanath,Kathmandu,Nepal", photograph, 1st place Collage/Mixed Media, Richardson Civic Art Asso 56th Annual Regional, Eisemann Performance Hall, Steve Ho juror


January: "Golden Bounty", watercolor with wax, 2nd place, Art of the Month, Soceity of Watercolor Artists

February: "Rainbow Tulips," watercolor, 2nd place, Art of the Month, Visual Arts League, Lewisville 

March: "Two Inch Orbit" mixed media, 1st place, Art of the Month, Visual Arts League, Lewisville

May: "Dressed in Her Best, Jordan" watercolor was awarded 3rd place in the Art of the Month for Richardson Civic Art  Society

May-July: "Henri's Yellow Tulips", 2nd place watercolor, 36th Texas and Neighbors Exhibition, juror Andrea Karnes, Senior Curator at the Fort Worth Art Museum

July: Texas Watercolor Society recognized Signature Status with my acceptance of "Spirit of Chchen Itza, Mexico", TWS 72nd National, juror Karen Vernon--by the year end I attainged the highest level: Purple Sagebrush

June-Sept: "Dressed in Her Best, Jordon", watercolor, Honorable Mention, Alaska Watercolor Society 47th Exhibition (virtual show this year), juror Sue Archer

October: "Hike Through Box Canyon, Ghost Ranch", 1st place Art of the Month Visual Arts Society of Texas

December: Earned highest signature level in Texas Watercolor Society, the Purple Sagebrush


January: Visual Arts Society of Texas in Denton voted "Turquoise Tipped Agave", a watercolor with ink accents as second place for the January Art of the Month.

March: "Over the Line", a 20" x 20" acrylic piece on canvas won 1st place, March Art of the Month at the Visual Arts League of Lewisville.

August/September: "Not Your Ordinary Cabbage" won 1st place in watercolor at the Richardson Civic Arts Society  54th Regional Juried Exhibition; juror Deanna Thibault

September/October: A double-page spread from my art journal "Spirit of the Soul", 3rd place, Visual Arts League of Lewisville "Melodies of the Soul" in the MCL Grand Art Gallery, juror Roseline Bodiford. 

October/November: "Varnassi Sunrise on the Ganges, India", 2nd place Photography/Digital Art,.Richardson Civic Art Society Membership Show (all 3 of my entires accepted). juror, Dawna Hamn Walsh, PhD  

October/November: Texas Visual Arts Association hosted its Citation 2020 Juried Exhibition online. Two of my works were chosen. It is my 5th juried show acceptance to TVAA which entitled me to Signature Status.


December: "Henri's Yellow Tulips" watercolor won 2nd place in the Visual Arts Society of Texas Art of the Month


January/February: "Ghosts in the Snow, Ghost Ranch", photograph, Honorable Mention, American the Beautiful Juried Exhibition at the MCL Grand in Lewisville, juror Beverly Boren

February: "Spirit of Chichen Itza, Mexico" watercolor, 2nd place, Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth

March: "Spirit of Chichen Itza, Mexico" watercolor,  1st place Art of the Month at Visual Arts Society of Texas, Denton

March: Lewisville MCL Grand hosted the winning monthly art pieces from 2018. My photograph, "Morning Ride, Magilligan Point, Northern Ireland" was included.

April-June: "The Message" and "Trails of Gold Dust", Southwest Artists, Inc in Mena, ARK Small Works International with "The Message" winning the Abstract Award of Merit and earning Signature Status in SWA, Inc.

July/August: "Night Blooms, Nairobi, Kenya won 4th place by juror Donna Howell-Sickles in the 31sty Membership Exhibition of Visual Arts Society of Texas

October: "Night Blooms, Nairobi, Kenya" won an award in the Richardson Civic Art Society, watercolor division, juror Bev Boren 

November/December: "Night Blooms, Nairobi, Kenya" first place, Lake Granbury Fall Juried Show, juror Justin Burns


January: "Stranded in New Zealand", 1st place Member's Choice Award, Richardson Civic Art Society

January: "Thirsty Too", mixed media wall sculpture, 1st place Art of the Month, Visual Arts Society of Texas

February: "Waiting in Ireland" photograph, 2nd place Art of the Month Lewisville Visual Arts League

April: "Home of the Ancients" , 1st place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists

May: "Unzipped" mixed media collage, Award of Merit for Abstract Art in the SouthWest Artists Small Works National Competition

June: "Thirsty", 1st place, 3-D, at the Trinity Arts Guild Open Show in Bedford

July: "Thirsty Too" , the Jeanne Heartsill Memorial Honorable Mention at the 29th Visual Arts Society of Texas Membership Show in Denton

August/September: "Night Blooms, Nairobi, Kenya" in the Southwestern Watercolor Society show at the 55th Juried Membership Show, Richardson Eisemann Performance Center earned my Signature Status, juror Bob Burridge

September/October: "Doodle Doo" 2nd place Mixed Media, Richardson Civic Art Society Juried Membership Show, juror Liz Bonham


April/May:"Trails of Gold Dust", mixed media, award at the Eisemann Center with the Richardson Civic Art Society Juried Regional Exhibiton, juror Hebe Brooks

April/May: "Unraveled" was one of 10 receiving an Excellence Award at the 51st Annual Tom Peyton Memorial in Alexandria, AL; juror Larry Thompson, prof & asso dean for Division of Art &* Design, Samford University, Birmingham, AL 

April: "Doodle Doo", mixed media, 1st place Art of the Month, Visual Arts Society of Lewisville

June 2017: "Stranded in New Zealand", watercolor, was one of a few paintings paired with a poem invited for exhibition at the National Federation of State Poetry Society meeting at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Fort Worth. It was displayed with a poem by Robert Schinzel previously shown in the Visual Arts Society of Texas Merging Visions 2017 Exhibition

July 2017: "Shaded Hostas", watermedia, Honorable Mention,Visual Arts Guild of Frisco Artrageous Juried Show at the Frisco Discover Center

Sept/Oc 2017: "Shaded Hostas", watermedia,3rd place,Grand Prairie Arts Council Juried Show, juror Judy Stone-Nunneley

October: "Stranded in New Zealand", watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month Society of Watercolor Artists

October-December: "Night Blooms of Nairobi, Kenya", watercolor, Honorable Mention, Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, juror Sarah Graham Harman


January: "Oahu Blooms, watercolor, 3rd place, Visual Arts of Lewisville "My Favorite Things" Juried Exhibition at the MCL Grand

March/April: "Believe", mixed media, 2nd place,Richardson Civic Art Society Spring Juried Show, juror Cathy Cotter Smith, Professor of Art

May: "Ladies of Lamu, Kenya" watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth

October: "Ladies of Lamu, Kenya" watercolor, Honorable Mention, Richardson Civic Art Society Juried Membership Show, juror Jill Foltz, PhD, Art History, Collin County College, TX

November: "Believe", mixed media, 1st place Art of the Month, Visual Arts Society of Texas


January: "Banana Split" watercolor, 2nd place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth

March: "Zen Lily" mixed media, Artist of the Month 2nd place, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth

April: "The Masters", 1st place Oils/Acrylics and "Beijing Guardian" Merchandise Award, Collage/Mixed Media division Richardson Civic Art Society 50+ Juried Art Show

September: "Sweet Tooth" watercolor, Dan Coughlin Memorial People's Choice Award Visual Arts of Lewisville "Fresh Ideas" Show (I did not get an award from the juror)

September: "Zen Lily" mixed media, 1st Place Art of the Month,  Visual Arts of Lewisville

September: "Sweet Tooth" watercolor, 2nd Place Art of the Month Visual Arts Society of Texas, Denton

October: "Five Peppers" watercolor, 2nd Place Watermedia Division Richardson Civic Arts Society, Richardson, TX Membership Show

October: "Oahu Blooms" watercolor,"Award of Achievement" Society of Watercolor Artists Annual Juried Membership Show, juror Tony Saladino


January: "Industrial 236" mixed media, 2nd place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth

January: "Beneath the Elephant Ears" watermedia, Honorable Mention 8th Annual Visual Arts Society of Texas 125-Mile Exhibition, Denton, Juror Jackie MacLelland

January: "Kissing the Water" photograph, Honorable Mention, Visual Arts of Lewisville "Black and White Exhibit"

April/March 2014: 1st Place, collaborative 5-artist canvas project "Wilds of Texas" by Visual Arts of Lewisville, MCL Grand. The project was later donated to the MCL Grand for the lobby.

June-August: "Industrial 236" watermedia, Cash Prize, Visual Arts Society of Texas 25th Membership Juried Exhibition, juror Marilyn Ivey of Kimbell Museum

October/November 2014: "Bananas for Sale", 1st Place Watermedia Richardson Civic Arts Society Exhibition, juror Prof. Paul Booker


January 2013:2nd place Society of Watercolor Artists Art of the Month

April 2013: Photograph chosen by Norie Sato as a reference for one mosaic column to be installed on the Chisholm Trail Parkway in Fort Worth as part of the North Texas Tollway Authority public art project

Nov 2012-Jan 2013: "Industrial 236" Merit Award, Louisiana Art & Artists Guild 43rd Annual River Road Show, Juror Sam Corso

Week 11: "Afternoon in Mazatlan" watercolor, Week 12: ""Agave" watermedia; Weekly winner in Daniel Smith's online competition, 5 different weeks, mixed media and watercolor

September/October 2013: "Southwest Sunset" watercolor Merchandise awards from Daler Rowney an Jak Richeson, Southwestern Watercolor Society 50th Membership Exhibition, Plano Arts Centre,juror Jean Grastorf

September 2013: "Hollyhocks" 1st Place Watercolor Division and "Cottonwood Colors" 1st Place Mixed Media Division at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens Juried Exhibit "Art in the Garden"

November 2013: Darla's Calendar, "Time 2014: A Calendar of Original Art Work by Darla Bostick" chosen to be featured in the Lulu Holiday Gift Guide (Lulu.com)

November 2013: "Beneath the Elephant Ears" watermedia, Golden Merchandise Award Texas Visual Arts Association Juried Exhibition, juror Michael Holter


April 2012: "Georgia's Window" watercolor,Merit Award Winner, Tom Peyton Memorial National Juried Art Exhibit, juror Judi Betts

December 2012: "Aftrnoon in Mazatlay" acrylic, Week #11 winner  Daniel Smith's online competition


April/May 2011: "Dream Dancer" watercolor, 1st place Visual Arts Lewisville "Hands On Belly Dancing" Exhibit

April 2011: "Need a Ride, Cairo" 1st place Visual Arts Society Texas Artist of the Month

May 2011: "Tatoo Rose" watermedia, Honorable Mention, IAA 56th Juried Members Show, Juror Jane Jones

June 2011: "All Undressed & Nowhere to Go, Historial Spanish Manikins" Merit Award Visual Art Society of Texas 125-Mile Regional, Juror John Hartley

August/September 2011: "Peek a Boo" photograph, 3rd Place Irving Art Association Unconditional Love Exhibit, juror Anna Rose Bain

November 2011: "Need a Ride? Cairo, Egypt" 1st place Art of the Month, Southwest Watercolor Society


February 2010: "Golden Skies of Leadville, CO" watercolor, 1st place Visual Arts of Lewisville Artist of the Month
April 2010: "Tatoo Rose" watermedia, 2nd place Art of the Month Southwestern Watercolor Society

April 2010: Signature Status Earned, Society of Watercolor Artists
October 2010: "Tattoo Rose" watermedia, 2nd place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists
November 2010: "Sweet Dreams" 1st place, Artist of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists
November 2010: Sweet Dreams" 1st place, Artist of the Month, Irving Arts Association


February 2009: "Celebration Sunflowers" watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists
February 2009: "Celebration Sunflowers" watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month, Irving Arts Association
March 2009: "Celebration Sunflowers" watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month, Visual Arts of Lewisville
March 2009: "Celebration Sunflowers" watercolor, 2ndt place Art of the Month, Visual Arts Society of Texas
Apr/May 2009: "Celebration Sunflowers" watercolor, 2nd place watermedia Arts of Cedar Hill, Regional Art Exhibit, juror Dr Dawna Hamm Walsh
May 2009: Society of Watercolor Artists “2009 Artist of the Year” Award
May/June 2009: “Morning Ride, Magilligans Point, Ireland” photo, Honorable Mention Visual Arts of Lewisville Anything Goes Exhibit 
June 2009: “Pueblos Under a Crescent Moon,” mixed media collage, Special Award, Irving 54th Annual Members Show, juror Maureen Broullette
November 2009: “Golden Skies of Leadville, CO” 1st place Art of the Month, Society of Watercolor Artists 


Jan 2008: “Summer Palace Walkway, Beijing” 1st place, Art of the Month Visual Arts of Lewisville
2008: “Angel’s Tea Time, Duomo, Florence” 2nd place mixed media, Cedar Hills Visual Arts Juried Show  
April 2008: “Crystal, Pears & Lemons” watercolor, Artist of the Month, Visual Arts Society of Texas 
May 2008: “Dancing on the Water” watercolor, 3rd place watermediaIrving 53rd Annual Member’s Juried Show, juror Jo Williams
July/August 2008: "Crystal, Pears and Lemons" watercolor, Art Alley Award & Daniel Smith Materials Award Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST) 20th Annual Juried Members Exhibition, 84 entries, juror Stephen Zhang
September 2008: "Santa Fe Skull" watercolor, Most Creative Award, Fiesta-on-the-Square, Denton, juror Andy DeCaen

September 2008: "Mom's Tea Party" 2nd place Art of the Month Society of Watercolor Artists
2008: “Purple Cantaloupes” watercolor inspired a song and appeared on U-Tube


May 2007: "Agave" watermedia, Mary Herring Memorial Award Irving Art Association Annual Awards Exhibit
June 2007: "Longboats, Paradise Bay, Thailand” Honorable Mention, Visual Art Coalition of Dallas Photo Exhibition 
Sept 2007: “Reflections of the Summer Palace, Beijing” photograph,3rd Place, Visual Art Coalition of Dallas 


April 2006: "Bostick's Produce" watercolor, 2nd place Artist of the Month Visual Arts of Lewisville
2006: Recipient of Mary June Impson Scholarship
May 2006: "Pete's Nap" 1st place Artist of the Month, Visual Arts Lewisville
Oct 2006: "Purple Cantaloupes" 1st place Artist of the Month, Irving Arts Association
2006: “Reflections of the Summer Palace, Beijing” photograph, Aubrey Bulders Award, Visual Arts Society of Texas 18th Annual Members Exhibition 


June 2005: “Oak Street in the Snow” & “TWU Frog Pond” Honorable Mentions, “Our Town” Photo Exhibition, Denton Visual Arts Center 
2005: "Backyard Beauties" watercolor, 1st place Art of the Month, Visual Arts Society of Texas


Works have been included in National and International Juried Exhibits in TX, NM, OK, CA, AZ, MN, LA, NC, RI, KS, AR, FL, MS, PA, AK and Canada. 


Jan 31: Lewisvillel Smphone Concert at The Grand Performance Hall on Main Street, exhibition


Jan-Feb: 17th Visual Arts Society of TX 175-mile juried show,

Jan-Feb: Main St Cafe, Lewisville, 6 works

Feb-March: Grand, Lewisville, TX  "Just for Fun" in the North Display Case

Feb-June: Thrive Rec Center, Lewisville

Feb-April: Lewisville Grand "Just for Fun"

Feb-April: Richardson Civic Art Society juried Spring Exhibition, ArtReach Gallery at Lovers Lane United Methodist 

April-May: Lewisville Community theatre "Native Gardens" production. Hanging in lobby: "Peonies in Pink, Lintao, China"

April: Benefit Cloud 9 auction, Lewisville Grand

May: Richardson Civic Art Society 58th Annual Juried Regional Show and Sale, Eisemann Performance Hall, "Going Home, chau Doc Harbor, Vietnam", juror Jo Williams

May-Sept: Texas Oncology Building, Denton, works in lobby and hallway

May-July: Lewisville Performance Hall solo exhibit, main hallway

June-July: Visual Arts Society of Texas 35th Juried Membership Ex

June-September: Thrive Rec Center, "Forever Yours"

July-Oct: Tower 2600 Central Expressway, Richardson; RCAS show "Candy Tuft Blooms"

Aug-Nov: Main Street Cafe, Lewisville

Oct-Nov: Huffines Rec Center, Richardson

Dec: Lewisville Grand "Gift of Art" Exhibition and Sale

Dec: Society of Watercolor Artists Membership Juried Show, juror Lisa Tennant



Jan-Feb: Solo show, Heights Rec Center, Richardson, TX

Jan-May: Main Street Cafe, Lewisville, TX, 5 works

April/May: Richardson Civic Art Society 57th Annual Regiional Exhibition, juror Carole Erlich, Eisemann Center for Performing Arts

May-June: Lewisville Grand Performance Hall, Botanicals Exhibition, 3 works

June/July: "Retrospectie" show, Lewisville Grand Performance Hall Gallery, "Six 6 x 6" and "Henri's Yellow Tulips"

June-August: Greater Lewisvile Theatre, "Industrial 236" for the production: If/Then

June-August: Coppell Arts Council Photography Juried Exhibition, two from Boudhanath, Kathmandu, Nepal and one from Varanasi, India--both are World Heritage Sites

July: Thrive Fitness Center, Lewisville

July-August: Richardson Civic Art Society Show at Building 2600, Central Expressway

July-August: "The Masters" showed in Richardson at Building 2600 on Central Expressway

Sept-Oct: Chaos and Order Show, Lewisville Grand Performance Hall, 3 works included

August-September: Visual Arts Society of Texas Membership Juried Show, Patterson-Appleton Art Center, Denton, "Dressed in Her Best, Jordan"

August-October: Visual Arts of Lewisville, Thrive Center, "Industrial 236"

Sept-Feb 1924: ArtScape City of Frisco, my "1925 Packard" chosen as a banner for the Rail District

Oct-Nov: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, Univ. of North Texas Health Science Center, Atrium Gallery "Wrinkled in Time" juror Tim Oliver

October-November: Visual Arts of Lewisville, Thrive Center, "Calendulas for the Soul, Dia de los Muertos"

October: Lewisville Public Library solo exhibition "Images of the Southwest"

October/Nov: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, University of North Texas Health Science Center Atrium Gallery, "Wrinkled in Time" juror Tim Oliver

Dec-February: Visual Arts Society of TX 175-mile Exhibition, Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, juror James Humphrey; "Feather Dance, Ghost Ranch" weaving and watermedia "Green with Envy"



Jan-Feb: Irving Art Association Photography Show, 3 photos from Myanmar and India

February: Lewisville Main City Library, solo exhibition, 19 pieces

February: Lewisville Community Theatre Exhibition

March: Huffines Recreation Center, Richardson, 3 pieces

March: Three works included in the Small Works, Big Inspiration, Lewisville Grand Performance Hall

April-June: 3 works, Huffines Recreation Center, Richardson

April-July: Two works at Thrive Fitness Center, Lewisville

April-September: Public art at the George A Purefoy Municipal Center, Art in the Atrium, Frisco, TX

July-August: Solo show at Royal Lane Baptist Church, Dallas, TX--21 pieces

August-Sept: Two works at Thrive

July-August: Visual Arts of Lewisville Fresh Ideas juried exhibition, "Fresh Paint for the Buddha Stupha, Boudhanath, Kathmandu, Nepal" at the Grand Performance Hall Art Gallery, juror Teri Thoman

October-November: "Cholla Cactus, Ghost Ranch, NM"; Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, Cecy Turner juror

Nov-Dec: Visual Arts Society of Texas 33rd Juried Membership Exhibition, Denton Arts Center, "Sunrise on the Ganges River, Varanasi, India", juror Katie Gorman Murray

December: Lewisville Grand Performance Hall "A Gift of Art"


Jan-July: 4 works at the Main Street Cafe in Lewisville

May: Richardson Civic Art Society Regional online juried exhibition, juror Judy Crowe "Two-inch Orbit" mixed media was chosen to be included. Posted online: 


June-August: Richardson Civic Art Society Summer Show, Richardson Public Library on Arapaho Drive

July-August: 30th Annual Breckenridge Fine Arts Center Juried Exhibition

Sept-Oct: Visual Arts of Lewisville show at Thrive Health Club included 2 of my watercolors

Sept-Oct: Gainesville Asso of Visual Arts Fall Art Juried Exhibition Online, juror John Cook, 2 pieces accepted

Sept: Grand Prairie Art Council's Annual Juried Show, 3 works accepted, Uptown Theater Gallery

Sept-Oct: The Diversia: Peace Exhibizone celebrating International Peace Day, International Virtual Exhibition, Ontario, Canada, showing a watercolor https://www.exhibizone.com/diversia-peace-2021

Sept-Oct: Lake Granbury Art Association Fall Juried Exhibition, Shandley House, watercolor "Six 6 x 6" juror Cinthia James 

Sept-Oct: Irving Art Association Animal Exhibit, includes 2 watercolors and 1 photograph

October: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Western Roundup" 2 watercolors included

October/November: Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Aqueous Open International Juried Exhibition, juror, Carola O'Connor "Spirit of Chichen Itza, Mexico" is one of 76 selected from a field of 249 entries from 26 states and 13 countries, submitted by 145 artists

October-Feb 2022: 4 works at the Main Street Cafe in Lewisville

November: Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth, Membership Exhibition, juror Mollie Jones "Dressed in Her Best, Jordan" included Atrium Gallery University of North Texas Health Science Center

November: Visual Art League of Lewisville, Dia de los Muertos show, watercolor "Calendulas of the Soul"

November-December: Visual Arts Society of Texas Membership Show, Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, juror Katherine Liontas-Warren, Prof ofArt, Cameron University, OK included a watercolor "Totem Talisman"

November-December: Visual Arts League of Allen "Thankful for the Artists Show", VALA Gallery of the Cotton Mill in McKinney, two watercolors: "Afternoon in Cambodia" and "Not Your Ordinary Cabbage" included

December: Lewisville Grand Performance Hall and Art Gallery "Gift of Art" show including two of my dog paintings

Dec 2021-Jan 2022: "Ghost Ranch Skull" and "Unraveled", Visual Arts League of Allen, "Texture, Collage, Mixed Media", Gallery at The Cotton Mill, McKinney


February-August: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Artist's Inspired" Exhibitiion. "Vincent's Pears" and "Ghost Ranch Skull" reflect styles of Vincent van Gogh and Georgia O'Keeffe. 


March-May: Blue Too Gallery, Allen, TX; "The World As I See It" solo exhibition consisting of 57 paintings and photographs. Photos are from Ireland, Tanzania and Botswana, China, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Wales, Spain, Portugal and more with paintings from travels to Myanmar, Italy, St Lucia, Mexico, New Zealand, Columbia and more. 

June-August: Fort Worth, TX Botanical Research Institute of Texas hosts the Botanical Art Collective 2020 juried exhibition online. http://brit.org/botanical-art-collective-summer-show.

June-August: Visual Arts League of Allen "Splash of ColorArt Exhibit", McKinney Old Cotton Gin Gallery, 4 works accepted

July-August: Visual Arts of Lewisville Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition, juror Robertus van der Wegen accepted all 3 of my entries.Lewisville MCL Grand Art Gallery and posted virtually https://visualartleague.org/virtual-shows-1?fbclid=IwAR0E9Vv_d2W5wQ70fd96wi0US4at3QlonmOxe-1Yivqd9bYh6cwGsEpeE7Y

August-September: Merging Visions Exhibition, Goff Gallery in Appleton-Patterson Center of Visual Arts in Denton Online: https://dentonarts.com/mergingvisions2020

August-Oct: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Adventures in Wonderland" in the north hallway. Two of my works: "Seven Cats" and "Sharing Secrets. The virtual version is posted: https://visualartleague.org/north-hall-virtual-shows

September-October: Southwestern Watercolor Society of Dallas 57th Annual Juried Membership Exhibition, juror Steve Rogers, accepted "Afternoon in Cambodia" at Blue House Too Gallery, Allen, TX

October-November: Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth, TX; Membership Exhibition, juror Janet Rogers, "Turquoise Tipped Agave", virtual presentation: https://www.swawatercolor.com/copy-of-2020-members-exhibition-gal

October: Visual Arts Society of Texas, Patterson-Appleton Artc Center, Denton; "Alive Today", a mixed media collage included in the 31st Membership Show juried by Alison Prouix; images posted here 


October-December: Annual Grand Prairie Arts Council, TX Juried Exhibition includes 3 of my works online https://www.artsgp.org/jurie-art-show_Gallery.html#gallery

November-December: Visual Arts Society of Texas 175-mile juried exhibition, Meadows Gallery Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, Denton, juror Liz Ash "Not Your Ordinary Cabbage" included, https://dentonarts.com/175mile-exhibition

December-January 2021: Every Color Has a Story Juried show, Flagler County Art League, FL; juror Meghan Martin,

presented virtually


February: Lewisville Main Library, 20 pieces on display for the month

May: Tom Peyton Memorial National Juried Exhibition, juror Ross Jahnke, professor of art, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA

May-June: Botanical Art Collective of North Central Texas 2nd Annual Art in Bloom Exhibition, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth "Tangled Hibiscus" chosen for inclusion


May: "Patchwork Pumpkin" in Richardson Civic Art Society's 53rd Annual Regional Juried Exhibition at the Eisemann Performance Center, juror Gene Dillard

May/June: Trinity Art Guid Open Show 2019, "NightBlooms of Nairobi, Kenya" and "Doodle Doo" were included

June: Texas Visual Arts Association Membership Show, Plaza of the Americas Gallery "Shaded Hostas"

June/July: Visual Arts of Lewisville's Small Works Juried Show, "Floating 1, 2, 3" (paintings) and "Elephant Walk, Chobe River, Botswana (photo)

June-September: Annual Merging Visions Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton collaboration of the Visual Arts Society of Texas with the Denton Poet's Society "Afternoon in Paradise" watercolor

July-August: Visual Arts of Lewisville Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition, MCL Grand, Lewisville, "Birds of a Feather" weaving and "On Purpose" in oil pastel.

Sept-Oct: 56th Juried Southwestern Watercolor Society Membership Show "Pearl Sunflower", Eisemann Center in Richardson, TX; juror Vladislav Yweliseyev

Oct/Nov: Society of Watercolor Artists Annual Juried Membership Show, "Novice Monks of Myanmar", University of North Texas Health Science Building Atrium Gallery, juror Judi Betts

December: "Texas Longhorns" , Lewisville Theater during production of "Glorious"


January-February: Visual Arts of Lewisville Art of the Month Winners Exhibit at MCL Grand

January: "Berries and Blooms" at the PointBank Black Box Theatre, Denton for the Visual Arts of Texas 2018 Calendar Images Exhibition

February: Lewisville Main Library, 20 pieces on display for the month

February: "Road to Lin Tao, China" at Old Lewisville Theatre lobby for their "Rivers" production

February-March: 22nd Arts in Harmony International Juried Exhibition and continues through May in the tavelling show Maple Groves Art Center, MN

March-April: Richardson Civic Art Society Spring Show at the Richardson Public Library

April/May: "Ladies of Lamu, Kenya" at Society of Watercolor Artists International Juried Exhibition, Central Library Fort Worth, juror Don Andrews

April/May: "Koi Bubbles" at Richardson Civic Art Society 52nd Regional Juried Exhibition at the Eisemann Center in Richardson, juror E Melinda Morrison

May/June: MCL Grand in Lewisville, Visual Arts of Lewisvile "Texas: Bigger and Better" Show "Texas Longhorn Christmas" and "These Boots Were Made for Dancin' "  

June-August: "Shaded Hostas" and "Golden Agave" were chosen for the 1st Botanical Art Collective of North Central Texas Exhibition at Madeline R Samples Gallery in the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. A video of the art works is posted on you tube https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/164a0c7863ad7bef?projector=1

June-August: Tierney's Tavern and Restaurant in Lewisville

July-September: "Ladies of Lamu, Kenya" for the 27th Annual Juried National, Breckenridge Fine Arts Gallery, Breckenridge, TX

July-August: Richardson Civic Art Society Summer Show at the Richardson Public Library

August/September: Lewisville Theatre Lobby for the "Welcome to Arroyos" production

August-September: "Stranded in New Zealand" in the Visual Arts of Lewisville Fresh Ideas, juror Brenda Wyatt

September/October: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Wild and Free" Exhibition, juror Barbara J Mason

September/October: Grand Prairie Arts Council Open Show--3 of my works: a weaving, collage and watercolor

November: Visual Arts and Denton Poets "Merging Visions" show at the MCL Grand in Lewisvile through 24 Nov and then traveling show to South Branch Library, Denton through 19 January

November/December: Society of Watercolor Artists Anual Juried Membership Exhibition, University of North Texas Science Health Center Atrium Gallery 1 Oct-1 Dec "Stranded in New Zealand" juror Bev Boren

November/December: Texas Visual Arts Association's Citation Juried Exhibition, Mesquite Arts Center "Night Blooms of Nairobi, Kenya" and "Bug in a Box",  juror Mary Vernon

October-December: Tierneys Tavern and Restaurant in Lewisville

November-Jan 2019: Merging Visions collaboration of Denton Poets' Society and Visual Arts Society of Texas


January: "Gimme Shelter" National Juried Show at Cielo: A Gallery of Fine Art Collective, Charlotte, NC (supports Humane Society Wish List)

January: "Artrageous" Show by Visual Arts of Lewisville, MCL Art Gallery, juror Nancy Boren

January/February and May/June: Tierney's Tavern and Restaurant

February/March: 22nd Arts in Harmony International Juried Exhibition at the City Hall of Blain, MN

April-July: Huffines Recreation Center, with the Richardson Civic Art Society 

May: Greater Lewisville Community Theater production of "Chickens"

May/June: Trinity Art Guild Annual Juried Exhbition, juror Sarah Graham Harman

June: "Merging Visions" at University of North Texas Lightwell Gallery

June: Visual Arts Society of Texas 28th Juried Membership Exhibition, UNT on the Square Gallery; juror Carter Skaggs

June-August: Texas Watercolor Society 68th Annual National Exhibit, Patterson-Apppleton Arts Center, Denton; juror Soon Warren

June-July: "Spectrum Gestalt 4" juried show at bgBergamot Station Art Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

July-Sept: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition"

August-September: Lewisville Theatre, Lewisville, TX lobby shows

August-November: Stokes Exhibit in Denton, TX, 608 E Hickory Street

October-November: Rhode Island 122nd National Watercolor Society Juried Exhibition in Pawtucket, RI

Oct-November: Richardson Civic Art Society Juried Membership Show at the Richardson Public Library

October-November: Huffines Recreation Center, Richardson

October-December: Irving Art Association's First Annual Juried Photography Show at the Jaycee Center

October-January: Tierney's Tavern and Restaurant, Lewisville

November-December: Kansas Watercolor Society National Juried Show in Wichita, juror Soon Warren 


January: Visual Arts of Lewisville, MCL Hallway Gallery, Asel Winners of 2015

January/February: 10th Visual Arts Society of Texas 125-mile Juried Exhibition, Gough Gallery, Denton Center of Visual Arts, juror Dr John Marcucci

January: Visual Arts of Lewisville, MCL Grand Art Gallery "My Favorite Things" Exhibition, juror Pam Burnley-Skol, retired Adjunct Faculty, University of North Texas Visual Arts Design (1 of 30 accepted)

March/April: 1st Open Call Greater Denton Arts Council Juried Show

February/March: Arlington 40th Annual Regional Juried Art Exhibition at the Bob Duncan Center

March-May: 31st Texas and Neighbors Juried Art Exhibition, Irving, TX; Soon Warren juror

April/May: 35th Society of Watercolor Artists International Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, TX; juror Frank Eber

March/April: 50th Annual Tom Peyton Memorial Juried Art Exhibition, Alexandria, LA; juror Michael Mallard

March/April: Richardson Civic Arts Society Summer Juried Show, Richardson, TX; juror Professor Cathy Cotter Smith 

April-August: 9th Merging Visions Exhibition, collaboration of Denton Poets' Assembly and Visual Arts Society of Texas, Denton, TX

July/August: Tierney's Tavern and Restaurant, Lewisville

June then July: Texas Visual Arts Association show, Plaza of the Americas, downtown Dallas, TX

August-Sept: Visual Arts Society of Texas 27th Juried Membership Exhibition, Denton, TX

September: Southwestern Watercolor Society 53rd Juried Membership Exhibition, Eisemann Performance Center, Richardson, TX; juror Stan Miller        

October: Society of Watercolor Artists’ 5th Invitational Art Exhibition, University of North Texas Health Science Center Atrium Gallery, Fort Worth, TX

November-December: “It’s a Dog’s Life” solo show at Swirl Bakery, Flower Mound, TX

Dec: Society of Watercolors Juried Membership Exhibition, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, juror Nancy Lamb


Jan-February: Society of Watercolor Artists 4th Annual Invitational Exhibition, Palace Arts Center, Grapevine, TX

Jan-March: AZ Aqueous International Juried Exhibition, Tubac, AZ, Juror Ron Pokrasso (one of 45 artists accepted)

Jan-April: 20th Annual Arts in Harmony International Juried Exhibition, Elk River, MN

Feb: Community Bank of Texas, Lewisville, TX

Feb-April: Tierney’s Tavern and Restaurant, Lewisville

March-April: Richardson Civic Art Society 50+ Art Exhibition, Richardson, TX

April: 18th Annual Rio Brazos Art Exhibition & Sale, Granbury, TX; Juror Randy Bacon

April: 49th Annual Tom Peyton Memorial Juried Arts Show, Alexandria, LA

April-May: LA Watercolor Society International Juried Show, New Orleans; Juror Chris Krupinski

April-May: Richardson Civic Art Society 49th Regional Show, Eisemann Center, Richardson, TX; Juror Gladys Roldan-de-Moras

July-August: Horizon Unitary Universalist Church, Carrollton, TX

August-September: Southwestern Watercolor Society Juried Membership Exhibition at the Eisemann Center in Richardson, TX; juror Mike Bailey

September-January 2016: Seven State Biennial Juried Exhibition showing in The Nexbitt Gallery, Chickasha, OK, then Charles B Godard Center in Ardmore, OK and the Museum of the Red River, Idabel, OK; Juror James Surls

September: Community Bank of Texas, Lewisville, TX

September-December: Huffines Recreational Center, Richardson, TX

September: Plaza of the Americas, Dallas, TX; Texas Visual Arts Association "Non-Objective Show"

September-October: Forney's Art Council Top 40 Regional Juried Exhibition; juror Chris Blackhurst

October-November: Society of Watercolor Artists Presidential Invitational Exhibition, Atrium Gallery, University of North Texas Health Science Center

October-November: Richardson Civic Art Society Membership Show, Richardson Public Library

November-January: Northaven Gardens Art Gallery, Dallas, TX

November-January: Tierney's Tavern & Restaurant, Lewisville, TX

November-January: Visual Arts Society of Texas 2016 Calendar Images, Chestnut Tree, Denton, TX


Jan-Feb: Tierney’s Tavern and Restaurant, Lewisville

January: Texas Visual Arts Association Gallery, Plaza of the Americas Juried “Winter Show,” Dallas

Jan-March: Marshall-McPhail Motors Lobby Art Gallery, Dallas

Feb-March: Texas Visual Arts Association “Citation Show” Winners Exhibition, Art Centre of Plano

March: Chestnut Tree on the Denton Square

March: Community Bank of Texas, Lewisville, TX

March: Fort Worth Community Art Center Biennial Show, Fort Worth

March-April: WaSH (Watercolor Society of Houston) International Juried Exhibition, Lauren McCracken juror

March-April: Tom Peyton Memorial Juried Art Exhibition, Alexandria, LA

March-April: Richardson Civic Arts Society "50+ Exhibition", juror Laura Moore

April-May: MCL Grand “Wilds of Texas” Exhibition, Mille Giles judge

April-June: “Merging Visions” Exhibition (collaboration of Visual Arts Society of Texas and the Denton Poets Society) at the Denton Visual Arts Center, July-August at Denton Public Libraries

May: Richardson Civic Arts Society 48th Regional Juried Exhibition at the Eisemann Center, Richardson; juror Xiang Zhang

April-June: Society of Watercolor Artists International Juried Exhibition, Central Library Fort Worth, juror Steve Rogers

July-August: Tierney's Tavern & Restaurant, Lewisville, TX

July-September: Breckenridge Fine Arts National Juried Exhibition, Breckenridge, TX, juror Scott Meyers

July-September: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition" Diane Walker Gladney, juror

July-August: Richardson Civic Arts Society "Simply Summer Show" Richardson Public Library

October-November: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, Fort Worth, TX, juror Benito Huerta

November-December: Visual Arts Society of Texas 2015 Calendar Exhibition of Art, Chestnut Tree, Denton

December-March 2015: Methodist Richardson Medical Center Community Wall


January-February: Irving Arts Center, Focus Gallery solo exhibition, “Images of China” photographs/paintings

January-February: Visual Arts of Lewisville, "Denton County, USA Juried Exhibition", MCL Grand Art Gallery

January-February: Visual Arts Society of Texas "125-mile Juried Exhibition, Grapevine, TX

February-March: Arlington Visual Arts Association Juried Exhibition, Arlington, TX

March-April: Visual Arts of Lewisville, “Free Form,” MCL Grand Lobby, Lewisville, TX

March: Texas Visual Arts Association, “Wildness of Nature Exhibition” Plaza of the Americas, Dallas

March-May: Visual Arts Society of Texas, “Merging Visions: A Collaboration of VAST and the Denton Poets Society”, Denton

April-June: Elm Street Studio, “Garden Meditations: An Exhibit of Color” solo show, Keller

April-June: Society of Watercolor Artists 2013 International Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, juror Joyce Hicks

June-July: Oklahoma Art Guild 36th National Exhibition, Oklahoma City

June-August: Visual Arts Society of Texas Juried Membership Exhibition, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, juror Michelle Hayes

July-August: Featured Artist at Midtown Art Gallery, Valley View Mall, Dallas

August-Sept: Richardson Civic Art Society Summer Exhibition, Richardson Library

September-October: Irving Arts Association 12th Annual National Juried Animal Arts Exhibition, Irving, juror Priscilla Krejci

September-October: Southwestern Watercolor Society 50th Juried Membership Exhibition, Plano, juror Jean Grastorf

September: 6th Annual Art in the Garden Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth Botanical Gardens

September-October: Society of Watercolor Artists 2nd Annual Invitational Exhibition, Irving Arts Center

August-October: Huffines Recreational Center, Richardson

August-October 2014: Represented at Midtown Art Gallery, Valley View Mall, Dallas

October-November: Traveling Animal Art Exhibition, West Irving Public Library, Irving, TX

November-December: Tierney's Restaurant and Tavern, Lewisville

November-December: Black Box Theatre, Denton, TX lobby exhibit

December-January: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition, Fort Worth UNT Health Science Center Atrium Gallery


January: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership 2011 Exhibit, Fort Worth Community Art Center

February-March: Tierney's Tavern & Restaurant exhibit, Lewisville

March-April: Park Cities Presbyterian Church "Passion and the Promise" Juried Exhibition

March-May: Merging Visions Collaboration of Visual Artists and Denton Poet's Society, Denton Libraries

April-June: Society of Watercolor Artists International Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, juror Robert Burridge

April: Community Bank of Lewisville, solo exhibit

May: Cafe DuLuxe, Denton; solo exhibit

June: Visual Arts of Cedar Hill Juried Exhibition

July/August: Visual Arts of Lewisville, "Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition"

July/August: Lake Granbury Art Association's 8th Juried Photography Exhibition, Shanley House, Granbury

August-October: Southwestern Watercolor Society 49th Juried Membership Exhibit, Plano

September-October: Visual Arts of Lewisville, "Western Days" at MCL Grand Lobby

September-November: Emily Fowler Library, Denton

October-Jan 2013: InFocus Vision, Hulen Mall, Fort Worth

November-December: Tierney's Tavern and Restaurant exhibit, Lewisville

November: Medical Center of Lewisville Grand Art Gallery, Visual Arts of Lewisville "One Note" Exhibition

November 2012-Jan 2013: 43rd Annual River Road Show Exhibition, Louisiana State Archives Building, Baton Rouge, LA


Jan/Feb: Lewisville Arts Center, LLELA Exhibit, Lewisville, TX

March/Apr: Merging Visions Exhibit, VAST and Denton Poets’ Society, Denton libraries

March-May: Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Denton Golden Triangle Mall, solo exhibit "Emerald Isles" photograph exhibit

March: State Bank of Lewisville, solo exhibit

March: CLICKS Studio M, Old Cotton Gin, McKinney, "Juried Landscape Exhibition"

March/April: Richardson Civic Art Association "50+ Juried Exhibit Show"

April: Visual Arts of Cedar Hill Juried Exhibition

April: Irving Art Association 56th Members Juried Exhibition, juror Jane Jones

April/May: Merging Visions Collaboration of Visual Artists and Denton Poet's Society, Denton Libraries

April/May: Plano Art Association "125-Mile Juried Show"

May: Cafe DuLuxe, Denton, solo exhibition

June: The Black Box Theatre, Denton, solo photo exhibition

June-August: Visual Arts of Lewisville "Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition" MCL Grand Gallery

July-October: "Uncorked Juried Exhibition", Saledo Winery, Saledo, TX

August-Jan 2012: Mississippi Grand National Juried Exhibit, Jackson, MS

November-January 2012: Oxide Art Gallery "Child's Play" Exhibit


March-May: Visual Arts Guild of Frisco Juried Photography Show, Frisco, TX

Apr/May: Plano Arts Association “125-Mile Juried Exhibit”, Plano, TX

Apr/May: Society of Watercolor Artists National Juried Exhibit, Fort Worth, TX

Apr/May: Irving Art Association “55th Juried Members Show”, Irving, TX

June/Aug: Visual Artists Society of TX “125-Mile Juried Exhibit”, Denton, TX

June/Aug: Visual Arts of Lewisville “Fresh Ideas Juried Exhibition” Lewisville, TX

Aug/Sept: Irving Arts Association Juried Pet Show, Irving, TX

Sept/Oct: Irving Arts Association 9th Wildlife Juried Art Exhibition, Irving, TX

Sept/Oct: Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Member Exhibition, Fort Worth, TX

October/November: China Photo Exhibit, Ramen Republic, Denton, TX

Dec –March 2011: Tierney’s Tavern & Restaurant, Lewisville, TX

Dec into 2011: China Photography Exhibit, Wellness Center, Dallas


January: Continued exhibit of 2009 Calendar Art for VAST, Chestnut Tree Restaurant

January: State Bank of Lewisville, solo exhibit

Jan-Feb: Continued solo exhibit of photographs, Irving Art Center, Focus Gallery

Jan-May: Loop Hole Bar and Grill, Denton, TX, solo exhibit

Feb-Apr: Tierney’s Tavern & Restaurant, Lewisville, TX

February: Blue Anjou Dance Studio, Lewisville, TX, solo exhibit

Apr/May: Visual Arts of Cedar Hill, Regional Art Exhibit, Juror Dr Dawna Hamm Walsh

Apr/May: Richardson Civic Art Society, “The 50+ Show”, Juror Kaye Franklin

Apr/May: Plano Art Association, “125 Show,” Juror Ben Watson

March-Apr: Society of Watercolor Artists “SWA 28th Juried Art Exhibition,” Fort Worth Central Library, Juror Mary Ann Beckwith

Apr/May: Irving Art Association, “Texas Neighbors Exhibit”, Irving Art Center, Irving (81 of 300 entries), Juror Randall Hasson

Apr/May: Irving Art Association, “54th Annual IAA Members Juried Show,” Jaycee Art Center, Irving, Juror Maureen Broullette

May/July: VAL “Anything Goes Exhibit”

June/July: “Focus Gallery” of Irving Art Center, winning pieces, IAA Members show

July/Aug: VAL Fresh Ideas, Juror Matha Falsetta

July/Aug: Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Denton Exhibit

July/Sept: VAST 21st Members Show, juror Diane Walker-Gladney

August: Oxide Gallery, Hickory Street, Denton, TX

Aug/Sept: IAA “Unconditional Love” Exhibit, juror Judy Sager (49 artists/97 entries)


Jan-April: Tierney’s Tavern & Restaurant, Lewisville, TX

February: VAL “Early Recollections” Exhibit

April: Irving Art Association Gallery, Jaycee Park and Art Center, Solo Exhibit, “First Impressions of China”, 21 photographs & paintings of China

April: Fort Worth Central Library, Society of Watercolor Artists 27th Juried Art Exhibition

April: Visual Artists of Cedar Hills, 2008 Judged Art Exhibit

April: Irving Arts Center, “23rd Texas & Neighbors Regional Art Exhibit, 2008”, IAA, 400 entries/79 accepted, juror Pamela Nelson

April: “Merging Visions” Collaborative Exhibition with the Denton Poet's Assembly, Emily Fowler Library & North Branch Library, Denton; 8 paintings/photos

May: Cedar Hills City Hall, winners of Visual Artists of Cedar Hills Exhibition

May: Irving 53rd Annual Member’s Juried Show

May: Emily Fowler Library, Denton

June: Irving Arts Center, winners of Irving 53rd Annual Member’s Juried Show

June: VAL “Zoom Zoom” Exhibit

July: VAL “Fresh Ideas” Exhibit

July-August: VAST “3rd Annual 125-mile Visual Arts Exhibition” West Gallery, Texas Woman’s University, Denton

July-Sept: Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST) 20th Annual Juried Members Exhibition, 84 entries juried by Stephen Zhang

August-November: Irving Community Television Station lobby, “First Impressions of China” photographs & paintings

September/October: VAL “Impressionists” Exhibit

September: Fiesta-on-the-Square, Hispanic Festival, Denton, TX, judge Andy DeCaen

October: Society of Watercolor Artists’ Juried Membership Show, Fort Worth, TX

October: Darla Bostick’s Worshop/Retreat at Ghost Ranch, Sante Fe, NM

November: Texas State Bank of Lewisville

December: First Security Bank, Lewisville, TX

November-January: VAST “2008 Calendar Exhibition: Original Works” at The Chestnut Tree, Denton

November-February: Irving Art Center Focus Gallery, “Celtic Christmas”—solo exhibit of 24 photographs

December: Solo exhibit, Blue Anjou Dance Studio, Lewisville, TX


April: Society of Watercolor Artists 26th Juried Art Exhibition, Fort Worth Central Library

May/June: Chestnut Tree, on the Square, Denton; (dual exhibit with June Impson)        

May/June 2007: Irving Art Association Annual Awards Exhibit, Irving Jaycee Park and Art Center Gallery

May/June: VAL Art Gallery, Lewisville Visual Arts League "Location, Location, Location” Exhibit”

June: Irving Central Library, watercolor exhibit

June: City of Irving Arts Center, Focus Gallery

June: Visual Arts Coalition of Dallas Photo Exhibition

July-August: Irving Central Library, solo exhibit "First Impresssions of China"

July: VAL Gallery “Fresh Ideas” Exhibit, Lewisville

July: VAST 2nd Annual 125-mile Exhibit, TWU, Juror Kathy Liontas-Warren (72 artists/197 entries/39 accepted works)

July: VAST 19th Annual Juried Members Exhibition, Meadows Gallery at Center for the Visual Arts

July-Sept: Lewisville State Bank Lobby

August: The Banter Restaurant, Denton

September – October: Texas Visual Arts Association (TVAA) “Citation 2007 Exhibition”, ArtCentre of Plano, Juror Pamela Nelson

Sept-Oct: VACD, Thompson Art Gallery, Dallas, “Award-Winning Artwork of VAST”

October 2007: Blue Anjou Studio, Lewisville, “First Impressions of China” Exhibit

December 2007: Starbucks, Lewisville


Feb: Lewisville Theatre front window

April: Dunn Bros Cafe, Frisco; “First Impressions of China” photograph exhibit

May: VAL “Say it With Color” Exhibition, Lewisville

June: VAL “Fresh Ideas” Exhibition, Lewisville

July: VAST 18th Juried Members Exhibition, The Banter Restaurant, Denton

Aug-Sept: VAL “Light and Shadow” Exhibition

August 2006-January 2007: Solo exhibition at Highlands Cafe, Dallas, “First Impressions of China”

September: “Fiesta Colors: An Exhibition of Paintings & Quilts”, Denton County Courthouse on the Square

October: VAL Exhibition, Lewisville

October: VAST 1st Annual 125-Mile Juried Visual Arts Exhibition

October/November: “Spiritual Journeys & Encounters” Exhibition, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Denton

November: Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Denton

November: VAST Calendar exhibition, Wine Squared on Denton Square

December: VAL “Eyes of Texas” Exhibition, Lewisville


February: Uncommon Grounds Coffee Shop, Denton

May: State Master Gardeners’ Convention, twelve Denton County artists invited

June: “Our Town” Juried Photo Exhibition, Denton Visual Arts Center

August: VAST Juried Members Exhibition, Visual Arts Center

September: Hispanic Festival, Denton County Courthouse on the Square

October: Trinity Presbyterian Church, Denton, “Themes From the Bible” Exhibit

December: Lewisville Theatre front window

PUBLIC ART PARTICIPATION (check the public art tab above)


2020 March:  Pecan Plantation Art Guild Spring Show at the Dora E Langdon Center, Gordon House, in Granbury, TX

2017: Fort Worth Women's Association 53rd Annual Show, judge, Fort Worth, TX

2014: Mid-Cities Fine Arts Association Annual Exhibition, judge, Haltom City, TX

Enjoying art around the world!

When a musician creates, those notes can be recreated by another musician, but when an artist creates it is a statement, an image, so individual that only that artist can imagine, create and share it.~~Darla Bostick

Darla Bostick
2101 Woodbrook
Denton, TX 76205
Phone: 940.320.5660
Email: darlabostickart@gmail.com